Promote your Brand, Product, Event or Club
We DON’T do ‘pay per click’ advertising and we are not going to try and confuse you with how many thousands of ‘impressions’ your advert will get each day.
What we WILL do is get your brand or product in front of a highly targeted audience of Mini enthusiasts, Mini drivers, Mini owners, Mini buyers and people who have more than a passing interest in all things Mini related.
Above all we try to keep it simple so promoting your message will be easy, straightforward and transparent.
Our unique audience
Our web platform and social media channels reach and retain new members of the Worldwide Mini Community on a daily basis and it’s growing fast. As well as offering a huge selection of Mini related product we continually add engaging articles and information, new products, owners features and post Mini news across our social media network.
MWuk is a collaborative, cross media platform dedicated to promoting interesting, unusual and innovative products within the automotive sector. Our audience represents an affluent, educated, influential community of consumers, trade professionals and brands with a deep interest in the automotive industry and in particular the Mini brand.
Benefit From Our Media Assets
Constant commitment to website editing and search engine optimisation keeps the MWuk web platform growing daily, increasing audience and adding value to our core digital asset.
Ongoing development of media contacts and press networking provides direct DAILY engagement from a variety of key sources including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Drivetribe and Twitter social media platforms as well as multiple marketing assets within the automotive industry worldwide.
Advertising here is easy and effective
We design your banner(s) or articles for you from scratch or based on creative artwork that you supply. We size them to fit our responsive platform so they show up just as well on a phone or tablet as they do on a desktop or laptop. We add the links you give us so visitors who click on your ad are taken to where you want them to go.
Then we load your ads onto the pages that you have selected. Ads are rotated across the whole web platform to provide maximum visibility for periods of one month at a time.
We use a simple page ranking system from ‘most viewed pages’ to ‘least viewed pages’ from which advertisers can select various cross site packages to get the maximum exposure within a chosen budget.
- 1. Product pages footer banner - Typical weekly CTR 19.72%
- 2. Best selling product page footer banner - Typical weekly CTR 17.58%
- 3. Collection page header banner - Typical weekly CTR 15.89%
- 4. Blog post, news and information pages footer banner- Typical weekly CTR 14.70%
The Home page is excluded from page ranking so please contact us if you are interested in a Home page feature.
In addition to highly visible and effective banner advertising we offer a number of opportunities for brand and product promotion by way of native 'stories' seamlessly integrated into the web platform. Subtle, stylish and integrated promotional copy is written by our team of editorial staff and published within web content creating a powerful message without appearing as conventional advertising.
Integrated promotional material is not deleted or redacted by ad blocking programmes guaranteeing 100% visibility across all browsers and can be extended into social media posts and Facebook marketing campaigns.
Ready to get started?
You can choose your banner advertising package and pay for it online right now. Just click here to get started. If you would like to discuss recommendations for promoting your brand or product please contact us by email using the contact link at the bottom of this page.